The university’s identity marks are designed to distinguish the university from all other institutions of higher education and to help us achieve instantaneous, favorable recognition.
The benefits to the university of such an identity are obvious—our institutional name, our identity, our “brand name” becomes associated with quality and value. The use of any VSU mark, symbol or wordmark must be approved by the Office of Communications & Marketing (OCM).
University Mark
The university mark is a registered trademarked image, and all its configurations should appear in its official colors—unless it is printed in a one-color publication or application in which one of the official colors is not available. In this instance, the mark must always print in one color. Two-color versions must always print exactly as indicated on this page.
Note: The mark must include the trademark symbol (Circle R) when reproduced.


These examples of designs were created to meet specific needs that are acceptable and in harmony with the Visual Identity Program. Do not attempt to create your own design. Contact Creative Services if you have a specific need for a custom variation.

Clear Space
To achieve maximum readability and visual impact, the logo must always be used with the designated Clear Space and Minimum Size.
Clear Space
Clear Space refers to the sage area required surrounding the logo. The safe area for our logo is measured using the height of the “STATE” banner. Using this system, the Clear Space will always scale with the logo. These same parameters apply to both the horizontal and vertical versions of the college logo.
Minimum Size
To ensure legibility and integrity, the university mark should not be reproduced smaller these minimum size specifications.
University Mark: Incorrect Use
Do not recreate or modify the logo in any way. Please avoid these common violations to ensure the logo is used consistently across all platforms.
These specifications apply not just to the university mark, but to the athletics mark and university seal as well.

Spirit Mark
The Spirit Mark is a registered trademark. As with any protected logo or trademark, use of these marks and identity standards should be limited to the variations shown here.

Two color:
Blazer Red (PMS 186) and Black.

One color:

Acceptable Reversal

Unacceptable Reversal
University Seal
The Valdosta State University seal is the official hallmark indicating authenticity in both the ceremonial and legal senses. It is used exclusively by the president and reserved for official documents such as diplomas, transcripts, certificates, fine arts, and ceremonial recognition gifts. The university seal should never be used for decoration, on letterhead, general use, or as a marketing tool.
Note: The seal must include the trademark symbol (Circle R) when reproduced.